Indian history
Famous Foreign Travellers in Indian History
About Foreign Travellers India has always been a dream destination for those looking to explore one of the world’s oldest civilizations. Since ancient times, India has welcomed some enthusiastic travellers who came here and fell in love with its traditions and...
Indian history
Indian National Congress Annual Sessions
In this article, we will cover the topic is “Indian National Congress Annual Sessions” from 1885 to 1965. Year President Place 1885 W C BonnerjeeBombay1886Dadabhai NaorojiCalcutta1887Syed Badruddin TyabjiMadras1888George YuleAllahabad1889Sir William WedderburnBombay1890Pheroze Shah MehtaCalcutta1891P. Ananda Charlu Nagpur1892W C BonnerjeeAllahabad1893Dadabhai NaorojiLahore1894Alfred WebbMadras1895Surendranath BanerjeePoona1896 Rahimtullah M....
Indian history
Important Personalities in Modern Indian History
There is a list of Important Personalities in Modern Indian History. Real NameTitleMahadev Govind RanadeSocrates of MaharashtraHenry DerozioFather of our racesC F AndrewsDeenbandhuLal Bahadur ShastriMan of PeaceMohandas Karamchand GandhiMahatma Gandhi Mohammad Ali JinnahQuaid-i-AzamVallabhbhai PatelSardarShivajiRajaGopal Krishna GokhaleDiamond of IndiaGopal Hari DeshmukhLokhitwadiMoolshankarSwami DayanandGadadhar...
Indian history
Important Personalities in Indian History
There is a list of Important Personalities in Medieval Indian History. Real Name TitleMahmud GhaznaviYameen Uddaula, Amen-ul-MillahMuhammad Ghori MuizzuddinQutubuddin AibakLakhbaksh, MamlukRehanVakeeldarJalaluddin KhiljiShaista KhanAlauddin KhiljiAlexander II, Sikandar-e-SaniAlmas BegUlugh KhanNusrat JalesriNusrat KhanMalik YusufZafar KhanSanjarAlam KhanRamdevRai rayanAmir KhusrauTutiya-i-Hind,TurkallahMuhammad TughlaqMad King, Devil’s CompanionAristotle of his timeAlexander...
Indian history
Important Taxes in Indian History
There is a List of Important Taxes in Ancient Indian History. Tax Dynasty/Period Attributes BaliVedic PeriodA voluntary gift to a kingAyudhiyMaurya DynastySupply TaxBhagaMaurya Dynastypart in agricultural production. It used to be...
Indian history
Important Coins in Indian History
There is a List of the Important Coins in Medieval Indian History. RulerDynastyCoin with their AttributesMuhammad GhoriGhurid DynastyIt issued coins with the figures of Lakshmi Ji and Kaliya.IltutmishGulam DynastyJital (Copper Coin)Tanka (silver coin)It issued coins in India on the pure...
Indian history
Founder of the Ancient, Medieval Indian Dynasty
This list talks about the first and last rulers of the Ancient Indian Dynasty. Dynasty Founder Last Ruler Haryanka DynastyBimbisaraNagadasakaShishunaga DynastyShishunagaMahanandinNanda DynastyMahapadma NandaDhananandaMaurya DynastyChandragupta MauryaBrihadrathaShunga DynastyPushyamitra ShungaDevabhutiKanva DynastyVasudeva KanvaSusarmanSatavahana DynastySimukaPulumavi IVVakataka DynastyVindhyashaktiPrithivishena...
Indian history
List of Important Battles in India
War is an essential topic in history for all competitive exams like UPSC, and all state public service commission exams. In this topic, we have given the year of the war, the battle between whom and essential details of...